This is a DSF fundraiser for ALL music programs and each student can earn money towards their DSF accounts. Students will earn $4/pie and $4/fudge order. Reminder, these funds can be used to help offset the cost of trips, equipment, uniforms, shoes, etc…
Share the following link with friends, family, neighbors and on all your social media sites! This is a quick fundraiser, orders will be collected online through October 30th with deliver of pies on November 17th, in time for Thanksgiving!
Place Order Today
Pie flavors: Apple, Strawberry Rhubarb, Cherry, Peach, Blackberry
Fudge flavors: Chocolate, Chocolate Walnut, Vanilla,
Chocolate Peanut Butter, Mint Chocolate Swirl
Pies will be delivered frozen and ready to be baked, how simple and delicious does that sound? All pies are made with real fresh fruit (not just a filling). The fruit is never cooked until your buyers bake their pies. They are free of trans fats, hydrogenated oils and corn syrup. Only real sugars and spices are used. They are mixed in small batches and have nice flaky crusts “just like Grandma used to make.”
Pick up location will be at Downingtown West Kottmeyer Stadium concession stand on November 17th. Additional details to follow.