President (1)
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. They shall have general and active management of the affairs of the corporation. They shall act as a liaison between the MPA and the DASD school board/administration. They shall be an ex-officio member of the Board but will only be invited to meetings when the current board needs historical information
Vice President (3)
The Vice Presidents shall act in all cases for and as the President in the latter’s absence or in capacity, and shall perform such other duties as he / she may be required to from time to time. The VPs are also responsible for leading the MPA resources that are assigned to their specific school. They also serve as the main contact point between that building’s directors and the MPA.
Treasurer (1) and Recording Secretaries (3)
The Treasurer and Recording Secretaries shall have custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in a book (hard back or electronic) belonging to the corporation, and shall keep the monies of the corporation in (a) separate account(s) to the credit of the corporation. They shall disburse the funds of the corporation as may be ordered by the Board, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and shall render to the President and Trustees, at the regular meetings of the Board, or whenever they may require it, and at the regular meetings of the general membership, an account of all transactions and of the financial condition of the corporation. Any single withdrawal transaction which exceeds $5000.00 shall require the concurrence and signature of the President and Treasurer or Recording Secretary.
Secretaries (3)
The Secretaries shall attend all sessions of the Board and the general membership and act as a clerk and record all the votes of the corporation and the minutes of all its transactions to be kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for all committees of the Board. The Secretaries shall provide minutes from each Board meeting prior to the next meeting of the Board for approval by the Board, and they shall provide minutes from each general membership meeting prior to the next meeting of the general members for approval by the general membership. The Secretary is also responsible for signing key documents with the bank and Chester County, as needed.
Ways and Means (3)
The Director(s) of Ways and Means shall oversee the coordination of all operating and student account fundraising activities (except Food Services), and they shall approve all invoices for merchandise sold in fundraising activities. They shall provide the Board with recommendation and reports concerning fundraising activities.
Food Services Director (1)
The Food Services Director is a voting member of the MPA Board and is invited to attend monthly Board Meetings, in addition to being a member of the Food Service Management Team. The Director coordinates the Concession Stand schedule with the DASD Athletic Department. The Director also communicates with the DASD Facilities Department, the Chester County Health Department, and Vendors regarding Concession Stand Inspection, and maintenance, repair, and purchase of kitchen equipment.
Concession Stand Managers
Oversee Kitchen Operations during Lacrosse, Soccer, Field Hockey, and Football Games, Band Cavalcades, and Indoor Events. MPA leases the Concession Stand from DASD, and the revenue generated from the kitchen is the main source of income for MPA. MPA is not legally able to operate the buildings without Licensed Food Managers. MPA will provide on-site training, along with reimbursement for fees incurred to obtain the Chester County Food Handler Manager’s License. Food Service experience is helpful but is NOT required.
Time commitments are 1-2 weeknights in Sept-Oct and April-May, and Friday nights and a few Saturday nights from late August-November. Managers may be asked to work an indoor music event in Feb-Mar. Only one Manager is required to work in the Home Stand for a Lacrosse, Field Hockey, or Soccer Game. However, a Licensed Manager is required by the Health Department to be in each of the Home and Visitor Stands during Football Games. Managers can create a rotating schedule so that all events are covered and each Manager can have time off.
Volunteer Coordinator
Seeking a Volunteer who will be trained in the iVolunteer System to post events where MPA is seeking Volunteers. This includes all sporting events for the Concession Stand, the Calvacade of Bands, Indoor Season Events, and various fundraisers. It also includes posting to social media and sending email updates, as needed, to recruit volunteers for events.
Inventory Manager
Track inventory, place orders, and meet the delivery trucks for unloading orders. Deliveries take place during school hours, so we are looking for someone with an open or flexible schedule during the day. This requires availability at least 1-2 days a week from late August through November, occasionally in Feb/March, and 1-2 days a week in April/May. The current Food Services Director will assist with inventory tracking and ordering, but may not be available during the day to handle deliveries.